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These are our days

Years after, while working in his office Elder Nielsen received a call from President Uchtdorf, asking him if they could meet as soon as they could. Obediently, Elder Nielsen accepted the invitation to drive to SLC with his wife and have an interview with him, where a calling to serve as an Area Seventy was extended.  

The day came and he started to serve at the Church Office Building. Surprisingly, the instruction he received was, “Go back to the office and start to become.” Wondering about how he could become and accomplish the task, he dug deeper, looking in the scriptures, trying to learn the things he needed to do to start to become. He found out that becoming Christlike is what he needed to accomplish.

He asked himself about his conversion to the Gospel, “If I were to be converted, what would it look like?”

“I would ask you today,” he said, “if someone asked you, ‘Go to your office and become,’ what would you do? How would you become? What would it look like if you did become?”

If you don’t have an idea what you could do in order to become, Elder Nielsen recommended to, “Ask your wife, parents, bishop or stake president what you need to do to change.”

He shared that to become is to have a deeper understanding and meaning. Once you have it, true change needs to occur.

Elder Nielsen also recommended that in order to become, we need to bury our personal weapons of rebellion.

“Do you want your kids to be as the army of Helaman?” He asked. “Bury your weapons, never to touch them again.”

He also remarked on the importance of personal conversion as being the most important thing that could ever happen to any member of the church. To finish his talk, he extended the congregation an invitation to become:

“Become the person that you know that you can become. We do that as we change, as we bury the weapons of our rebellion.“