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This is a place of light

“We can learn about gratitude from the ten lepers who were healed,” said Sister Carey. “It is easy to think about the ungratefulness from the nine lepers who never came back to say thank you.” Sister Cathy asked to ponder it. “Are you like the  leper who came back to show his gratitude?” In case you need some extra help to have more gratitude in your life, Sister Carey gave three steps to have a spirit of thankfulness.


Every day you have the decision to choose your attitude, make sure you have the right attitude through all your day. Sister Carey said, “You have the power to decide what’s awesome in your life. What are you grateful for?”


Try to view the world with new eyes, be aware of the moment you are living by observing what surrounds you, there might be something that calls your attention, it might be the breeze, the sky, the birds or you can be grateful for someone who washed the dishes for you. Be aware of those little things that make your life better. Once you found something you are thankful for stop, and express your gratitude to God. “The Lord [knows] the power of gratitude and how it can change our hearts.”


We all have feelings, so it is OK to show them. You need to be authentic with the people you deal with. Make sure you are laughing, try to show your feelings and gratitude to others, keep promises you make, and stay with integrity with all your dealings.

Sister Carey concluded that life is about having joy in the journey. We can increase our light joy and thankfulness as we follow those three steps.