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What I wish I knew about LDSBC

Devotionals at Temple Square

Every Tuesday at 11:20 a.m., the BC holds student devotionals on Temple Square. Walking from school toward the temple will stretch your legs and lift your spirit. Arrive ten minutes early, and you’ll receive a personal greeting by President Richards and get a good seat. Absorb inspiring truths through carefully selected speakers as you receive personal revelation. Invite at least one friend to join you, or attend on your own and make new friends.

Free tutoring

Struggling with a specific class? The BC provides free tutoring on a flexible schedule. Tutors are students who excel in their classes and are trained to help you succeed. They love their topics and want to help you gain a better understanding and grade.

Free advising

Don't know which career path to take at college? Feeling overwhelmed at what’s ahead and need clarity? Visit with an “in the know” BC advisor! He or she can help you determine which career options will best meet your goals. Discover what the best job markets are. Discuss smart strategies, and save time and expense by coming up with a plan. Learn precisely what you need to do and when.

Free mentoring

Feeling a little unsure at school and need friendly support? Relax—BC has student volunteers trained to help mentor you. As part of a nationally recognized program, the mentors willingly share their strengths and experience. Your success matters to them. Whether you need help transitioning from high school or a mission, adjusting to campus life, or handling culture shock as an international student, the mentoring program is for you.

Everyone is here for a reason

Every student at the BC has a unique story of how they ended up coming here. The school changes lives. Perhaps you will find new talents and gifts you had not discovered. You may see surprising new doors open. Understanding may deepen and new interests reveal themselves. You may find your eternal companion, friends, teachers or others who will enrich your life, now and forever. With heaven’s help, you’ll discover why you have been prompted to come.

The LDSBC spirit is unique

Walking inside the ten-story LDSBC building will immerse you with an unforgettable feeling. The building has been dedicated by a prophet as a temple of learning. You will start each class with a prayer to help you learn through the Spirit. You will be taught how to apply gospel principles in school, business and life. You will feel your purpose. Living by the honor code will strengthen you, strengthen others, and help you succeed as you carry the LDSBC spirit with you.