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LDSBC hosts Women to Women luncheon for single parents

During this Valentine’s season, LDS Business College paired with the Women to Women Foundation to hold a mentoring luncheon for all single parents attending the College. This gave students a moment to know they are not alone, and that they are loved and supported. As they ate their lunch, Karen Talbot spoke some uplifting words.

Talbot is not a single parent herself, but she is constantly working with those who parent alone. Her message shared how to be successful in a world where presentation matters. She displayed this by having them participate in a fun dessert activity.

The goal was to present a chocolate chip cookie. When left alone the cookie is okay, but when given extra toppings (for presentation) the cookie becomes a delicious snack that cannot be resisted. Afterwards, the tables got to enjoy their desserts. The students that attended were given a gift bag with all sorts of goodies like bracelets and a cupcake at the end of their meeting.

Women to Women is an organization that wants to help single parents and their families become better through their mentoring programs and scholarships. To learn more about what they have to offer, you can go to their website at, or contact board member Jean Weinhart at or (801) 510-9714.