Living a life of honor is a central aspect of your experience at Ensign College as you are laying the foundation of your life's work. To help us live with greater honor and develop a culture of discipleship in our hearts and on this campus, the Church Board of Education established an Honor Code and associated dress and grooming principles & expectations for all who are a part of the campus community. The overarching goal of the Honor Code and these principles is to invite the Holy Ghost into our lives and throughout our campus so that we may cultivate deep learning and greater discipleship.
We invite you to keep the commitments you have made to abide by the standards in the Honor Code and thereby accelerate your development as a trusted disciple of Jesus Christ. The Honor Code is about choosing to be obedient in the small and simple things so that the Holy Ghost can be invited into your life.
As you live a life of integrity, you will play an active role in fulfilling the prophetic statement given by President Henry B. Eyring to our campus community when he said, "Your graduates must have an inner moral compass which will make of them ever more rare and ever more valued" (Ensign College Inauguration, Oct. 2009).