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LDS Business College to be officially renamed Ensign College on Tuesday

LDS Business College will officially become Ensign College, effective Tuesday, September 1.

Elder Paul V. Johnson, Church Educational System Commissioner, previously announced the transition in February.

“LDS Business College has always been ‘a unique and treasured part of the Church Educational System,’” Elder Johnson said, “The changes announced…do not change the nature of the institution. They build upon the college’s deep commitment to students and position it to better bless their lives in new and meaningful ways. [Ensign College] offers its students much more than programs in business and this name change will be a catalyst for re-introducing the College and all that it offers.”

The term ensign has scriptural and historical significance. At the announcement of the changes in February, President Bruce C. Kusch said, “An ensign is defined as a banner, a standard, or a symbol. The scriptures use the word ensign to describe the new and everlasting covenant, as a symbol of peace, as a guide for the gathering of Israel, and as a light to be a standard to the nations. Students come from all over the world to this College to study and to learn, and our graduates can be found throughout the world. Becoming capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ is how we hold Him, His example, and His everlasting gospel up as a light, as a standard, and as an ensign everywhere we go.”

On July 26, 1847, two days after arriving in the Salt Lake Valley, Brigham Young and several other men hiked to the top of a mountain he had seen in vision prior to beginning the trek west. From their vantage point, 1,000-feet above the valley floor, Brigham Young described his vision and the men began to lay plans for the future city. That spot, Ensign Peak, rises just north of where the College is located. It was given that name because it was a symbol of the spirit of international outreach and the ancient promise that here one could learn the ways of God. Throughout its 134-year history Ensign College has provided such an environment.

In addition to the name change, Ensign College will begin to offer a limited number of Bachelor of Applied Science degrees with focus and concentration on preparing students with the in-demand skills employers are requesting, beginning Fall 2021. The College will retain its two-year accreditation status. Ensign College will serve a broader audience throughout the Church by offering much of its unique job-ready curriculum online. This will be primarily facilitated through an agreement with BYU–Pathway Worldwide.

The College will welcome students for the Fall Semester which begins September 14.