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Options for Denied Students
Didn't get admitted? Here are your options.
While we may not be an “open enrollment” campus, by the classic definition of “open,” we ARE an “open invitation” campus: we extend an invitation to and welcome anyone seeking the unique curriculum and skills-based learning environment Ensign College offers. We warmly welcome anyone, with open arms, who is worthy, willing and qualified to a place that is a beacon of hope and opportunity.
President Kusch
working on a laptop
What should I do if I was denied?
Ensign College uses a holistic review process. This means that all parts of the application are considered. Our acceptance rate averages to a 91%, so please keep in mind that a certain GPA or English Proficiency score does not guarantee admission.

Being denied doesn’t mean you have reached the end of your path to further your education. We want to do all we can to admit students who are academically prepared, and the holistic review process is crucial in helping us determine that. Even though you are currently not admissible to the College just yet, we encourage you to reapply again in the future.

Additionally, we also recommend that you check out BYU-Pathway Worldwide's PathwayConnect program. For students who complete the standard version of PathwayConnect in the United States with a GPA of 3.0 and higher, Ensign College offers a Pathway Scholarship which enables you to continue paying the U.S. PathwayConnect rate as you attend Ensign College. You aren't required to attend full-time - the amount will be prorated based upon your credits enrolled.
Here are a few ways you can strengthen your future application:

  • If you were denied due to having low English Proficiency scores, we encourage you to keep studying and retake one of our approved English Proficiency exams when you feel ready. To review the English Proficiency requirements for our application, please visit How to Apply.
  • Strengthen your overall transfer GPA by attending another regionally accredited college or university. Consider re-taking any courses with low grades.
  • Focus on finding ways to live our mission statement, which is to develop capable and trusted disciples of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to request an appeal to your admission decision, please be aware of the following:

  • Filling out a request to receive an appeal for your decision does not guarantee that your request will be approved.
  • Those that would like to request an appeal must include a Letter of Recommendation. Please note that this letter cannot be written by a family member.
  • Applicants who wish to submit this request are encouraged to provide the Admissions Committee with new information that was not previously included on their application which may assist the Admissions Committee in their review. Examples may include an updated transcript or other verification of extenuating circumstances.
  • If you are planning to submit an appeal due to your low English Proficiency scores, please note that the College does not make exceptions for individual sub-scores. It is critical that those sub scores are met because it helps us determine how well the applicant will succeed at the College.

To appeal your admissions decision, please fill out our Exception to Admission Policy Form.

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