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Learn about important dates, deadlines, and registration policies.

Dates and Deadlines

Current 2023-24 Academic Year:

Fall 2024Winter 2025Spring 2025
Registration OpensJune 1, 2024November 1, 2024March 1, 2025
Last Day to Add to a WaitlistSeptember 22, 2024January 10, 2025TBD
Last day to Add CoursesSeptember 23, 2024January 13, 2025TBD
Last Day to Drop (with no 'W' grade)October 8, 2024January 28, 2025TBD
Last Day to Drop (with 'W' grade)November 11, 2024March 3, 2025TBD
Did you know that even if a course is full, you may have the option to be placed on the waitlist through College Scheduler? Once on the list, if a seat opens up you’ll be notified via email and automatically added to the class. Please keep in mind that all registration errors and holds must be resolved before you can be added from the waitlist.

Make sure to avoid these common registration errors:

  • You are already registered for another section of that class
  • There is a hold on your account
  • The waitlist class has a time conflict with another class on your schedule
  • You have not met the prerequisites for this class
  • The course will put you in overload status for the semester (you cannot exceed 18 credits in a semester)
  • The course has specific requirements such as needing instructor's permission

To read our full waitlist policy, click here.
Did you know that you can be dropped from a course if you don’t attend the first week of classes? Take a minute to familiarize yourself with this and other attendance requirements by reading the policy below.

Attendance and Absence from Class Policy

Attendance on the Last Day of Class Policy

Withdrawal from Courses Policy (due to lack of attendance)
Make sure you know the deadlines! Check the academic calendar for the last day to add a class in each semester. There are two dates you need to know:

  1. Last day to drop – Dropping by this date means the course won't show up on your transcript, but check with the Cashier's Office about getting a refund.
  2. Last day to withdraw – Dropping by this date means the course will show up on your transcript with a W. This will not have any effect on your Ensign College GPA, but you may owe a portion of tuition.
You are responsible for ensuring that your schedule is correct and attending all courses that you are registered for until you have officially withdrawn.

Withdrawal from Courses Policy
You probably know that you can withdraw from the College, but did you know that you can also be discontinued after missing two-consecutive semesters? Be sure to familiarize yourself with the tuition and financial aid implications of withdrawal, and if you are an international student, visit with the International Student Center.

Withdrawing from the College can be done in the following ways:

  1. Withdraw or drop all classes through MyEnsign through the drop deadline.
  2. Submit a request form with signature authorizing the Office of the Registrar to withdraw all courses through the drop deadline. The official date of withdrawal will be the date written notification is received by the College.

Withdrawal From the College Policy
You should seriously consider repeating a course if you did not receive a satisfactory grade (C or higher) towards your program and graduation requirements. Certain eligibility requirements will apply, including financial aid. Please be aware that Ensign College courses cannot be replaced by equivalent courses from other institutions.

Repeating Courses Policy
Auditing allows you to attend a class without receiving credit or a grade. Student must be admitted to Ensign College and eligible to register in order to audit a course.

Auditing Policy
Emergency Leave of Absence
In the event of unusual circumstances such as serious illness or injury, you may be eligible for a leave of absence from your program of study.

To qualify for a leave, you'll need to do the following:

  • Submit a formal request for leave using the Exception to Academic Policy form.
  • If the leave is for illness or injury, you'll need a doctor’s statement confirming your inability to continue school at the present time.
  • If you are on financial aid, you'll need to submit copies of the form, doctor’s statement, and decision of the Appeals Committee to the Financial Aid Office for inclusion in your financial aid file.
  • If the leave period expires before you return to school, you will be withdrawn effective the date the leave was granted. You may only obtain one leave during a 12- month period.
Emergency Leave of Absence Policy

Leave of Absence
Students can request a leave of absence for mission or military service for up to seven semesters and hold their enrollment while serving. A student is eligible if they have registered for and completed Ensign College courses, have a current Ecclesiastical Endorsement, and are free of all financial or academic holds.

For more information on submitting a leave of absence request for mission or military service, see here.

The Records and Registration office is here to help you with questions about registration, transcripts and class schedules. Our hours are Monday - Friday, 8am-5pm Feel free to contact us at or 801-524-8140.

Have a question? Our Virtual Assistant may be able to help.