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Report a Concern or Complaint
Ensign College takes seriously any complaints involving its programs and activities. When a complaint is made to relevant institutional authorities, Ensign College uses all reasonable efforts to seek a prompt and fair resolution.
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Academic Grievance Policy
Academic concerns, including concerns about a course or instructor or when a student feels his or her work has been evaluated unfairly or inadequately, should be addressed according to the academic grievance policy and procedure.

View Academic Grievance Policy
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Honor Code
Report violations of the Ensign College Honor Code (academic dishonesty, drugs or alcohol, dress & grooming, etc.).

Phone: (801) 524-1936

Report Honor Code Incident
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Sexual Harassment & Title IX
Report conduct to the Title IX office which is discriminatory on the basis of sex, including all forms of sexual harassment (see Ensign College's Sexual Harassment Policy and Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure).

Additionally, those seeking pregnancy accommodations should also contact the Title IX office.

Title IX Coordinator: David Brooksby
In Person: Ensign College Office 906
Phone: 801-524-8157

Report Incident
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Campus Assessment Response Evaluation Team (CARE)
Report concerns related to those that are experiencing crisis, displaying unusual behaviors, or engaging in other behaviors that may be perceived as being harmful or threatening (either to the student individually or to others).

Dean of Students: Adam Garland
Phone: (801) 524-1936

Report a Concern
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Compliance Hotline
If you wish to report a concern or ask a compliance question, we encourage you to report it using the Ethics Point Compliance Hotline to our compliance review team. Reports can be anonymous.

Make a Compliance Report
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Disability Services  
Ensign College Disability Services will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals in order for the qualified individual to have equal opportunity in all facilities, programs and activities at the College.

Located on the 9th floor of the College
Phone: (801) 524 1995

Disability Services
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Employee Concerns: Work-Related Concern
Report employee related concerns or concerns about employee discrimination.

Human Resources Director: Dave Sorenson
Phone: (801) 542-1942
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Accreditation Organization
If you wish to file a complaint with the accreditation organization for the College, the contact information is:

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
8060 165th Ave. NE
Suite 100
Redmond, WA 98052

The Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities provides some additional information about the process in its complaint policy. Please see our Office of Accreditation for additional details on accreditation.
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State Approval Agency
If you wish to file a complaint with the state approval agency for the College, the contact information is:

Utah Division of Consumer Protection

Attn: Complaint Processor
Heber M. Wells Building, 2nd Floor
160 East 300 South
P.O. Box 146704
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6704

Ph: (801) 530-6601
Fax: (801) 530-6001

The Utah Division of Consumer Protection provides some additional information about its complaint process on its website.
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State Authorization
For information to assist students who may have complaints related to distance education, click the button below.

State Authorization Complaints

The Student Success Center is here to help! Contact us at 801-524-8151 with any further questions.

Have a question? Our Virtual Assistant may be able to help.